One Year

The anticipation of the 1 year anniversary was stifling. I have struggled with anxiety attacks for nearly the past 3 weeks. I’d find myself breathing rapidly, my heartbeat racing for no physical reason and a feeling of dread/fear. They come at random times. My only relief is going to take a nap. I’m thankful that I can do that.

It’s crazy what grief does to a person. I just wish I could have had a “normal” experience. Not that I wanted to lose my baby, but this whole thing is anything but “normal.” The term shit-show really describes the past year. Lockdowns due to the pandemic made this process so much harder. I shut down in many ways because of that. I’m still struggling to break out of that cage I made to protect myself over the past year. I feel like it’s 1 step forward and then two steps back some days.

Yesterday I found myself just wishing Serenity was here. I want to hold her in my arms, nurse her, smell her head and just be with her. Instead, I am left dealing with the flashbacks of what happened as she left me. I remembered the doctors who weren’t exactly using their best bedside manners or kindness and showed no empathy. I remembered the ultrasound technician who had more empathy than the doctors. I remembered thinking I may die cause I was losing so much blood but being ok with that cause then I wouldn’t be without my baby girl. I remember passing out due to the blood loss and hearing my husband call me back to him. I remember the agonizing screams and wailing I let out as my daughter left my body. I remember the pain of labor and no baby to be in my arms. I remember the friends who cared for my children when I had to go to the hospital 2 days in a row. I remember those who prayed for me. The text messages, the emails, the calls and sweet gifts.

I remember it all. It’s etched in my brain and heart. I’ll always remember my 5th child, my daughter, my Serenity.

Published by Liz

Wife to Darren, mom of 5, Child of God! I homeschool, love learning about natural alternatives in health and wellness. I dabble in photography (thanks Grandy), play piano, sing and enjoy reading (a lot!).

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